Day: March 6, 2024

Ocean explorer

Today after lunch we had a bit of a dirty activity. We watched a video about plastic pollution and how it ends up in the ocean every day. We learned that every minute a truckload of waste goes into the ocean, over 90% of sea birds have plastic stuck in their stomachs, and 1 in 3 species of marine mammals have been found entangled in marine litter.

After we had done all that research we went outside and picked up rubbish around our school for 10 minutes.  Our spot was across the road by North Drift. We got a pretty decent amount but not enough to win the challenge.

My favorite part was doing the reaserch and writing everything in our books.

My least favorite part was picking up the rubbish because it was descuting picking up other peoples rubbish. This was how much rubbish we got all togeather.