Day: October 13, 2023

Scotland part 2

Kia Ora guys I’m way behind on where we have been so I’ll just talk about the fun stuff and I will have to wait till I get home because I have missed like 3 weeks on what we have been up to. Right now we are in Italy Florence. Don’t worry I only have about another 3 weeks then I’m home.

The next day after the two hop-on hop-off busses, we went on another tour to Stirling I have no clue where that is (LOL). We had a great tour guide he was a typical Scotsman. We got off the bus and some Americans asked where the washroom was and he said no you are in Scotland we say the bog then Nan said she and her siblings used to call it the sh beep beep house and we all just started laughing out loud. The best part about every tour has been the HAIRY COOS! It’s basically a big fat hairy cow with horns and a terrible smell.

Our next stop for the day is Stirling Castle it had some of the coolest details ever and so much to see. First, we went to the dungeon that had a dress-up room, a music room, and some jail cells for Mum and Dad. The next stop was the kitchen. The kitchen had a whole bunch of creepy statues of the cooks and some yucky-looking food. Now it’s time to take Mum and Dad to their cells. We went down to the end of the castle where there were some more cells and even a weird room full of barrels and that was it.

After we were done at the castle we went back home to sleep.

The next day we went to Blair Castle where my Great-grandfather was from and where some more of my great-grandfathers were from they were also the Duke of Blair Castle at least that’s what Mum said and now she’s not.

Outside my sister bought me a New Zealand flag for my birthday to fly outside of the Castle with a picture of my nana’s parents and that was a bit embarrassing because everyone was staring at us but anyway it’s over now. Inside was really cool because the second room had a family tree of the murry’s which is my nan’s last name. The last room was my favorite because it was the ballroom where the fun dancing happened.

The next day we went to the town where my family was from and there was also a painting of one of my great-grandfathers on a wall.

The next week we went on a 3-day tour up in the Highlands and we had the best tour guide ever No one could beat him.

Anyway, guys that’s all for today miss you guys. A te wa kia pai to ra.